Our Services
We have been on the forefront of the treatment and management
of kidney disease for more than 40 years.

Striving To Cover All Your Medical Needs
Metrolina Nephrology Associates is committed to providing the most comprehensive kidney care available. Whether it is the treatment of chronic kidney disease or hypertension, dialysis, vascular access management or transplantation, our patients have the advantage of knowing that their renal needs can be met by their kidney doctor through a variety of services offered by Metrolina Nephrology Associates.
Our Departments
Metrolina Vascular Care is an outpatient procedure center designed by our physicians to provide dialysis access maintenance and care to our patients in a highly specialized and convenient setting. The center performs a variety of procedures to ensure that your access is functioning properly so that you may receive your hemodialysis treatments. Our Interventional Nephrologists are certified by the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (ASDIN) and our center is staffed by ACLS certified Registered Nurses, ARRT Registered Radiological Technologists, Registered Vascular Technologists and dedicated patient service personnel. The center is located in the same building as the physician offices and offers convenience and close parking. We strive to create a warm and caring atmosphere while providing excellent care. We develop strong and supportive relationships with our patients and offer long term commitment to their care.
We offer a variety of services that include
Kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment option for patients with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease). The Metrolina Transplant Clinic provides services for kidney and kidney/pancreas transplant patients including but not limited to:
- Acute care / Dialytic Support
- Kidney transplant expertise for all renal transplant recipients
- Coordination of transplant biopsies to ensure accurate diagnosis and follow up care by working closely with pathology/radiology departments
- Expertise in organ procurement and allocationImprovement of immunosuppressant regimens and treatment of recurrent disease
Helpful Links Regarding your Transplant Care:
The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is more than 20 million people in the United States. CKD usually has no symptoms until it is in its advanced stages. Therefore, early recognition and treatment are essential. Optimal management of patients with CKD is imperative to delay the progression towards End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Metrolina Nephrology Associates’ CKD Clinic offers a multi-disciplinary team, including nephrologists, nephrology nurse practitioners, nurses, and a renal dietician, who collaborate to improve the care and outcomes of patients with CKD. Our clinic goals include:
- Slowing the progression of kidney disease & protect remaining kidney function.
- Medication review to assess for potential nephrotoxic agents.
- Early recognition and management of associated comorbid disorders including anemia, mineral bone disorder, electrolyte imbalances, and hypertension.
- Cardiovascular risk factor reduction including lipid management and smoking cessation.
- Early preparation for renal replacement therapy and renal transplantation.
- Nutritional counseling / Educational sessions offered to patient and family members.
Metrolina Nephrology Associates offers the convenience of diagnostic imaging services for patients with renal disease in our Randolph Road office.
A Renal Ultrasound is a commonly ordered non-invasive test, using high frequency sound waves to create a computer image of the kidney useful in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney related disorders. If you are scheduled for a renal ultrasound there is no special preparation necessary. Renal Artery Doppler studies are also commonly ordered non-invasive tests that measure how well the blood is flowing into the kidneys. Prior to having this study done it is important that you have no food or drink for the 6 hours leading up to the test. You should also refrain from smoking or gum chewing during this same time frame.
In addition to these tests, our Registered Vascular Technologists also perform Vein Mapping studies to identify the best site for future vascular access. Early identification is important so that the veins may be protected and preserved. If you are scheduled for a vein mapping, there is no special preparation needed.
Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to provide oxygen to body tissues. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying protein inside red blood cells. It gives red blood cells their red color. People with anemia do not have enough hemoglobin.
There are many possible causes of anemia including kidney disease and diseases that harm or destroy your blood cells. Having low levels of either iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid in your body may also result in anemia.
People with kidney disease often get anemia because the kidneys produce a hormone called erthyropoietin (EPO) that tells your body to make red blood cells. As your kidney disease progresses the kidney’s ability to make EPO is reduced, resulting in the production of fewer red blood cells.
Upon diagnosis of anemia resulting from low iron levels or poor kidney function, our providers may recommend a number of treatment options.
Diet and nutrition are very important to the patient with chronic kidney disease. Over time, and as your kidney function changes, your dietary needs and requirements will likely change as well. Metrolina Nephrology has a registered dietician available upon request for Medical Nutrition Therapy.
Please contact us at 704-348-2992 to receive more information or to set up a consultation.